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Pre-trip thoughts…

June 20, 2012


Getting ready for this trip to Colombia — in light of everything else that is going on — feels a little surreal. not sure what day it is, and it seems like one long afternoon!

However, I cannot wait to see what the Lord will do once we get there. I know that He has been preparing Dylan and me forever for this mission and will possibly throw us some curve balls…all in the spirit of teaching us how to depend on Him, moment by moment. Lord, I pray that YOU would teach Dylan what You need for him to know and that I would be mindful of what You are doing in the moment. He needs all of You – and I don’t want to get in the way!

I want to remember not to forget:
* He is in control, always, no matter what.
* Things are not always what they seem. What may seem like a roadblock in OUR agenda, is what He intends for His almighty purposes. Holy Spirit, make me sensitive to your leading and help me to hear your still, small voice!
* Nothing happens to us/our team that the Lord didn’t at least give permission for. This is not a war between God and Satan – we are reclaiming enemy occupied territory in Jesus’ name!

Lord, thank you for empowering us with your Holy Spirit and making us complete in Christ. I pray that I would be a willing participant in the plan that you have for us on this trip. Please give me eyes to see and ears to hear. Make me hyper sensitive to Your plan for Dylan as it pertains to me – use me in his life as you see fit. Please protect us from the enemy – deliver us from evil. We are kingdom warriors and are empowered by Your Holy Spirit and armed with the GOOD NEWS. I pray that we would boldly proclaim the Gospel as we should – and use words only when necessary. Make us effective conduit men for your glory. May You be glorified by our words and actions – and THANK YOU for desiring to use us in this way!

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